Home Services
The way that trading partners interact has changed more in the past five years than in the prior twenty. Changes driven by increased connectivity and evolving technology have provided the backdrop for a variety of solutions and messages to the marketplace. The sheer number of these messages tended to confuse, rather than add value to organizations.
At Wisetek, our services offering is driven by the following tenets:
The value provided by procurement and sourcing solutions is different for different organizations. There is not one solution that effectively drives optimum value for the organization.
The speed and adoption rate of an overall e-Solutions are organization dependent. Value of services provided by an external entity is directly related to the ability of the external organization to increase speed to savings.
Services provided should focus on the development of the client's organization. The dependency on the services organization should be minimized as quickly as possible.
The blend of services and technology change during the overall e-Solutions adoption cycle.
To meet the variety of service needs from our customer base, we have four categories of services:
- Technical Implementation - Education - Support - Hosted Services
Customer focused
Anyone can consult. Ideas are just the beginning of progress. There must be a drive to act on those ideas. Our services start with precision thinking, followed by relentless execution, and we don't stop until the job is done. Have an idea of where you want your business to go? Imagine it. Done.