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Company Philosophy
Open standards represent sound and stable technical innovations and these technologies continue to evolve in sound and principled ways as directed by community and collaborative process. As a result, architectures based on these technologies automatically gain many of the benefits of using superior technologies. For example, J2EE is a platform for enterprise-scale computing across distributed systems that consist of several components working together. Open standards are also widely accepted and widely used, resulting in an ever-growing number of developers and engineers with suitable expertise in these areas. When staffing for projects, open standards make it easier to make placements.
Our products based on the J2EE standard, a platform which is open, standards-based and a means for applications to communicate and inter-operate. By supporting J2EE, our products benefit from infrastructure-level services and integration capabilities that such platform approaches deliver. J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a standard for developing stable enterprise applications.
Wisetek products are based on the underlying Java application development J2EE frameworks and Struts. Struts provide the invisible underpinnings that complex J2EE applications need to survive. This assures you that you are buying an application built on the most open and accepted standards in the world.
Given that J2EE remains one of the fastest changing standards even today --
So what do all of these advantages mean in terms of developer productivity? Simply, getting solutions to market faster. Open standards solutions will increase utilization ratios of engineers as well as increase the growth of intellectual capital.